Tuesday, June 14, 2016

How To Live With The " Devil Of Cancer" Named Pancreatic Cancer.

The most terrible cancer is Pancreatic Cancer, which named “ the devil of cancer”.

1.What is the pancreatic cancer, what does it look like?

For most of pancreatic cancer patients cannot be survival, especially for advanced cancer patients.

The symptoms:
Ⅰ. Jaundice 
Ⅱ. Upper abdominal pain that radiates to the back
Ⅲ. Loss of appetite
Ⅳ. Weight loss
Ⅴ. Depression 

2.What is main reason cause pancreatic cancer?

In recent years, the number of pancreatic cancer patients increase and death rate reach 95%,the most highest risk factors are :
smoking, diabetes, Chronic pancreatitis.

Other risk factors:

Excessive drinking,obesity, diets low in vegetables and fruits,excessive coffee drinking, environmental pollution 
and family history of genetic factors, older age.

3.what is the best treatment for pacreatic cancer ?

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are general known 
and used for people, this two ways can cure the early 
cancer but with huge painful for cancer patients, at the 
same time, it does not always to destroy the cancer cells completely especially for the advanced cancer like pancreatic cancer.

Guangzhou Fuda Cancer Hospital professor and Doctor Xu KeCheng with his team have more than 10 years experience to cure the cancer patients throughout cryosurgical ablation, the application of CCC+P treatment in the following:

Cryosurgical Ablation(CSA)+ Cancer Microvascular Intervention (CMI)+Combined Immunotherapy For Cancer(CIC)+ Personalized Cancer Therapy(PCT)

For advanced pancreatic cancer usually means your cancer cannot be cured. But your doctor may suggest treatment to try to slow its growth and relieve symptoms. The pancreatic cancer patients cannot clear up all the cancer cells by surgery, but can make the cancer cells to sleep and no longer increase by cryosurgical combined other treatment , thus can prolong patients'life time and life quality.

Living with advanced pancreatic cancer: http://www.fudacancerhospital.org/pancreaticcancer/commonsense/20150723160.html

For improving the good quality of pancreatic cancer patients’ life, The suggestion:

⑴.  Follow the doctor’s advice to take medicine

⑵.  Eat more fresh vegetable and fruits, moderate protein food, avoid the spicy and barbecue food or snacks.

⑶. Take exercise everyday, and keep a good habit of sleep 

⑷   keep a happy mood everyday and hold a good attitude 
with your cancer, don't let yourself under high pressure 

⑸.  Return to hospital for inspection on time according to doctor's requirement.

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